Wow, when I read this article on Huffington Post today, I wonders did the GOP finally get the memo?!! Yes, this is the way to make your party relevant in the 21st century guys; elect republicans with “cross-over” appeal, or what I like to call some of my GOP friends, ”Cappuccino Republicans” . The day of the Rock-Ribbed, Raving Bachmann-Limbaugh like Republican should be left in the 20th century and the G.W. Bush-Cheney eras. Our country deserves a government of the people, both Democrat and Republican thinkers, and not the party of the zealots.
I was so happy to hear that California Representative Kevin McCarthy, the chief recruiter for House Republicans, said he wants his party to select candidates based less on ideology and more on their chances of winning. The goal, he said, is to seek out prospects who are ethnically diverse, female, less partisan and even supportive of abortion rights. (If we could get them to throw in some who backed civil rights, climate change, torture, the stimulus package and immigration reform…Woo, I might believe you, but what about the base?
I was also pleasantly surprised that Eric Cantor told Bloomberg, The essence of being a Republican is the belief in free markets, the belief in individual responsibility, and the belief in the faith of the individual. This is what our party is about." Wow, can I hold you accountable for that sentiment Mr. Cantor, as I know Rush, the Neo Cons, Religious Rights, etc will totally NOT go for such a GOP.
In addition to these august figures of the party let me not leave out NRSC Chairman John Cornyn, who said:
Republicans have to "get away from this attitude that people who disagree 20 or 30 percent of the time somehow are not welcome in the Republican Party, particularly if we're going to maintain our relevance and grow our numbers."
Mr. Cornyn did you mention this to Dick Cheney, who chose Rush Limbaugh, who carries the ultra right-wing party line, over a person who disagrees with you 20-30 percent of the time, Colin Powell? What about Michelle Bachmann, Ann Coulter, David Vitter, etc… What will they say? Do you not fear a backlash, because it seems this is a Johnny come lately, or I want to be like Obama ( Yes, I am making a pun of I want to be like Mike) and the Democrats strategy?
I have a sincere doubt that ultra-right elements in your party are going to let you do it, or allow you to push such candidates down their throat with the vague threat “ we can let the Democrats keep the majority... they are crazy, be afraid, be very afraid and please vote for us…
Come on, guys you had a majority for 6 years and two wars, a economic recession bordering on a Great Depression, trade deficits that make us less safe, and a tainted image abroad because you chose to torture ( as justified by Cheney) of America the Beautiful….and I should be afraid of a Democrat majority. I just don’t see it, especially with Bachmann, Newt, and Uncle Dickey spewing their collective swill on the airwaves..
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