Folks, this has been going on for the last couple of months. First, with the slap down of Michael Steel and elevation of Rush Limbaugh, then forceful inclusion of a right wing social agenda in the New America initiative by the Religious Right. Lastly, the characterization of Meghan McCain’s as a RINO encouraging the party to be more inclusive and evolve its appeal, and today the statements of John McCain in an interview with This Week.
Wow, Last Call for Moderates in the GOP!!! The GOP is telling you blatantly they do not want you, this is the last call for moderates in your party. Wake up.
The last call went out this Sunday, when the Grand old Gang rolled out the New Faces of the GOP compromised of Newt Gingrich, John McCain, and Dick Cheney in a blitzkrieg of the Sunday morning talk shows as follows:

On Face the Nation
Cheney was in rare form even for his post White House antics championing the call to double –down on 20th century conservatism’s core principles for the 21st century United States by proposing a weird mix of neo-con doctrine and reverse Darwinism. Cheney’s stance of not moderating the party message or values reached new heights as he professed uncertainty that Colin Powell was still a Republican. In Cheney’s “you’re either for us or against us” Stalinist worldview, Powell’s endorsement of Obama was an indication of his loyalty and his interest. Although such conclusions fits with the general characteristics of the GOP of either get in line or get the hell out, I was troubled by the inclusion of the words loyalty and interest. Similarly, I became even more troubled when Cheney definitively choosing Rush Limbaugh, who asserted that Powell’s endorsement of Obama as racially motivated instead of an objective assessment of the suitability of the candidates, as a real Republican. Therefore, Cheney chose the blind allegiance of an obese chicken hawk, that spouts the most sexist, racially charged, bizarre trash imaginable as a real Republican.
Wow, you gotta admire a man that never makes a mistake, choosing a loud mouth, divisive talk show host, over a war hero and general in the cut of Generals Eisenhower and Marshall, because you think he’s disloyal. In truth, Powell loyalty to his party is unquestionable, however, he was concerned that the party was growing too narrow in scope and the tent was only big enough for the few. Cheney you have just proven him right. Oh well, I guess it’s your Stalinist resilience of having no regrets for anything like torturing people, shooting a friend in the face, soldiers dying, the people of New Orleans when you only came for a photo op, and losing a voice of moderation that could have helped your party into the current century.
Ok, Republican moderates do you hear bell, Uncle Dickey giving you the last call for the Moderates; he stacking the chairs folks!! Last Call for Moderates in the GOP!!!
The final thing that got my attention today was an interview with John McCain on the show, This Week, it was almost painful for me to watch, but let me give you the run down.
This Week- Senator John McCain:

The onslaught continued on This Week, where John McCain, the Good Soldier fell on his sword, saying that he did not communicating with the American people in the 2008 election, and declaring he did not want to moderate, and that GOP core principals were as good today in the 20th century, as they were in the 20th century. McCain laid the blame on the former administration that had become too loose with spending betraying the principals of the party and costing them the last two elections. The Good Soldier said that the GOP must adjust to the 21st century in communications, in values, in goals, in all the things that American people want without betraying its core principals and be more open to issues such as gay marriage.
Ok, a few points, if I may :
(1)John they hate you, and no matter what you do they do not trust you because by your statement, you are a “Moderate” that means not a true Raving Republican—they do not see you as a real member of the GOP. Have you not been listening to EL Rushbo’s disrespect to you and your family since the 2000 election to the present, the 2008 primaries even when you won the nomination until Bob Dole shut him up? Look at how they slapped down Michael Steele; he tried (poorly) to modernize the party speaking in hip-hop slang instead of like a professional and chairperson of a national party. The Neo-Con Commander, El Rushbo shut him down, and stripped him of any semblance of authority.
(2)Your argument for modernizing communication, values, and goals is ludicrous as it would mean giving up the coveted far right social agenda, which gives you the values voters of the South, the heart of your party. I truly doubt the Neo-Con’s and Religious Right are going to give up their opposition to Gay Marriage, despite the current trend; abortion no matter if the woman is raped or her life in danger, and stem-cell research. Did you not hear Newt on Faux? Neither do I believe for a minute the Neo-Cons are willing to give up a failed doctrine of preemptive war, illegal immigration, opposition to affirmative action, unions, and most women’s issues. History has shown us that the GOP is not the party of openness and inclusion, nor is it the party of “No”; it’s the Party of “Hell to the F--- No” More inclusive; the nation heard that song before from the “Compassionate Conservative” eight years ago.
(3)You said it yourself they betrayed those core principals of limited government, growth policies, and a strong defense. However, you also forgot to mention the right-wing social agenda, which you know in your heart you disagree with Senator--they don't trust you John.
Oh well, this is a man who loves his Party, and the principals its stands for; I truly feel bad at the treatment of the Good Soldier. Anyway, the new "Cheney-Limbaugh" real Republican was showcased on Fox News with Chris Wallace by Newt Gingrich.
Faux (Fox) New: Newt Gingrich

Newt got things going with a Bush era “shock and awe” maneuver on Faux News that should shock and awe many for its misrepresentation of facts, and Molotov-like rhetoric of modern-day McCarthyism for the idea of investigating the Bush administration for torture. McCarthyism you say Newt, where when Rep. Michelle Bachmann (R-MN) called for the media to investigate members of Congress for perceived anti-American bias. This is straight out of the witch-hunts, and slanderous accusations of communism and communist collaboration of the McCarthy era, yet Newt was silent to such a relevant example of McCarthyism. Instead Newt chose to do a raving Bachmann.
However, not to be out performed, Newt decided to out-Bachmann the Bachmann, by not only doubling up his rhetoric but also twisting the facts to the point of creating an alternate reality where accusing the Democrats as follows: "They have had control since January 2007," he said. "They haven't passed a law making water boarding illegal. They haven't gone into any of these things and changed law," is plausible.
In reality, the Senate in February 2008 voted on the Intelligence Authorization Bill, which would have outlawed the use of water boarding. President Bush vetoed the measure.
Poor Newt it must suck to be out of power. Nevertheless, if we go by Cheney-Limbaugh paradigm for real Republicans facts are irrelevant, ballistic rhetoric that makes no sense, and people flee the party is tolerable, because in the end only loyalty matters.
Last Call for Moderates Republicans the bar is closing soon!!
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