I was watching some old episodes of the Tudors, the hit Showtime Original about King Henry VIII the other day, and I began to thumb through a few books on the politics of his reign, particularly Protestant Reformation of the Church in England to the Church of England. I decided to bone-up on the ruthless efficiency of King Henry VIII in collaborating with Protestant Reformers to bring about his desires for a male heir, as I enjoy fact and fiction. The next night, I was hanging out with my Capitol Crew, a group of Latte Liberals, Cappuccino Conservatives, Blue Dogs, and Red Rocks ( the name I use for the ultra-right), and somehow we began talking about Michael Steele and his “tactics” of his “master plan” to rebrand the GOP, much to the chagrin of my Conservative colleagues. Nevertheless, through all the political hoop-la and banter, a book on my friends coffee table caught my eye, The Prince by Machiavelli, that is when I said it….are we underestimating Steele?
Could Michael Steele really have a real plan to reform the GOP; are all his antics a superfuge for a Machiavellian scheme of a Henry VII-like plan to partner with moderates and bring about his desires to expand the base into new area? Then I saw the article Gay Marriage Is Bad For Small Business, on the Huffington Post, and the answer was plain…H—NO!!!
I mean come on ; —now this is Keith Olbermann WTF moment guys.
Republicans can reach a broader base by recasting gay marriage as an issue that could dent pocketbooks as small businesses spend more on health care and other benefits, GOP Chairman Michael Steele said Saturday. Steele said that was just an example of how the party can retool its message to appeal to young voters and minorities without sacrificing core conservative principles. Steele said he used the argument weeks ago while chatting on a flight with a college student who described herself as fiscally conservative but socially liberal on issues like gay marriage.
Steele made the further blunder-filled and illogical analogy of gay marriage as follows:
“Now all of a sudden I’ve got someone who wasn’t a spouse before, that I had no responsibility for, who is now getting claimed as a spouse that I now have financial responsibility for,” Steele told Republicans at the state convention in traditionally conservative Georgia. “So how do I pay for that? Who pays for that? You just cost me money.”
- Mr. Steele I would love to see your marriage. I mean did you have this sentiment when you proposed, or did it hit you after saying I do? I mean lets take your statement and turn it around…
“ Now all of sudden I’ve got someone who wasn’t a spouse before, I had no responsibility for her, and she is now getting claimed as my spouse that I now have a financial responsibility for..So how do I pay for that? You cost me money”
I can answer your question quite easily Mr. Steele:
- It is called getting a job to support your family, or in the modern age both people getting jobs to support their family. I do understand that its hard in the current recession that Bush left us, but we all have to make sacrifices to live. Yes, Mr. Chairman it does cost money to live, and provide for one’s spouse but did you think pennies would fall from heaven? I mean did you not shell out money for the license that was an indication of some type of cost involved in the decision.
Come on Mr. Chairman. I do not know what to say about your continued antics, they are getting old and cliche. What’s next, Sir? I do know one thing this is not a plan by any stretch of the imagination; its a cluster flop( I would have used the other “f” word but I am being nice.)
You cannot claim that every foul-up and foible is part of your master plan, unless your plan is to fail and fail miserably. You cannot comprimise to modernize your party, either you are going to moderate the message or you are not. I got to tell you that many in your party have expressed the sentiment that they will not bend to the moderates, RINO, etc….. So what is the plan Mr. Chairman?
However, I do agree with this statement though about the “hip-hop makeover “You don’t have to wear your pants cut down to here or the big bling” that is true but you do have to act competent Mr. Chairman. I truly hope for the sake of our multi-party system this final word figures into your plan…
One more thing, Since you are hell bent on having a more modern hip-hop makeover of your party—Please remember hip-hop, true hip-hop was not about “bling-bling”, etc…it was about positivity, self-awareness, and empowerment through education and morality. In saying this I would urge you to listen to “Common- I use to Love Her” to start and maybe—you will be on the right track.
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