I was reading the Field Negro blog today, about Nick Cannon’s comments about Eminem as follows:
“Maybe I'm going too far, but I thought we moved beyond the days where white men could spew vulgar obscenities at our beautiful queens and get away with it. What's next? Source: Rap-Up.com Cannon continues:
Are we going to let this trash say something horrible about our lovely first lady, Mrs. Michelle Obama? Or would Marshall have talked sideways out of his neck like this about Oprah Winfrey? This act of racist bigotry cannot go unnoticed. Calling my wife a "c-word" and a "whore" is way worse than anything Don Imus could have ever said. So trust, repercussions will be served. Cannon raises an interesting point. Given that Eminem has used racist, derogatory language to describe black people, and black women in particular, in previous lyrics, why do so many black people lap up what he lays down? Reading the comment threads surrounding this drama, I am surprised by the number of women and black people defending Eminem when Asher Roth just got excoriated for joking about "nappy headed hoes." And rightly so, I might add.Please explain it to me. Why does the black community continue to support Eminem despite his racist lyrics?"
It seems, Field had a particular problem with Cannon’s comment as he commented as follows:
“Nick, there won't be any repercussions from moi, because, sorry, I am just not feeling your wife Mariah as one of our "beautiful Queens". Yeah yeah yeah, I know she passes the "one drop rule" and the whole nine. But in my humble opinion, to be a black "Queen", you have to first consider yourself a black Queen.”
Ok, folks what is up with the miscegenation rules in the modern era? Why are we still trying to categorize who is black enough to be identified as part of the black race?
Now let me jump right in on this one-drop rule Bull, and cut to the chase because trying to categorize ourselves as black enough or not black enough is beyond the Cannon-Eminem feud. Field you need to get off the one drop rule thing field, its the same ole thing from the election, is Obama black enough? President Barak Obama, an intelligent, successful man, CHOSE to identify himself as African-American and what does he get for it –are you black enough? WTF!! What the hell, that is nothing but foolishness and you know it Field! Its offensive now to try to categorize someone’s ethnicity by the amount of blackness one possesses. Obama could have done a Tiger Woods on and thrown us away; instead, he stood strong despite characterizations as not being black enough, by a stereotype-saturated media.
Do not get me wrong I think it is questionable that Nick wants to play the “race card”, at this moment when he is actually affected ---Where was he when Eminem first came out, if he was so offended by his racist rants? Nor did I hear him back Oprah, when she fronted Ludacris on her show. Where was his outrage for the portrayal of our Black Queens, when for years many African-American rappers have labeled them as B’s and Whores. In addition, where was his spontaneous Afro centrism when they were calling Black Kings the N word? In that sense I can slightly feel your comment on you have to first want to be a Black Queen, but the one-drop rule… No, that is NOT happening
"State of the Union causes State of Confusion"
11 hours ago
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