Generally silence is not considered acceptance unless you receive a benefit from your failure to speak, however, the GOP it seems what to have it both ways. On the one hand, they are allowing such Republican luminaries as Rush Limbaugh and Newt Gingrich to falsely characterize Judge Sotamoyor a "racist", while others in the party call for a respectful debate over her nomination with the other.
In essences the Republicans seem to want the benefit of saying crap on conservative radio; accepting the benefit, while returning the proverbial box unopened. Sorry, if you will not strongly denounce and call for a stop to this language, then you are accepting the benefit—your silence or as Jeff Sessions put it " I am not going to baby-sit conservative commentators," can be tacit acceptance to the language.
I am not shocked, but I am disturbed by the volatile tactic as it will allow Republicans to use the most vile and incendiary language possible. The biggest problem I have with the whole Sotomayor nomination debate is the hypocrisy of Rush Limbaugh, who made the following statement on his weekly rant about Judge Sotomayor, "She brings a form of bigotry or racism to the court." Oh wait, let me in his words "soften" that a bit reverse racist, as if putting a pillow around a Molotov cocktail will make it burn less hot.
I was floored by the sheer hypocrisy, because this is a man who called the current President of the United States, a grown man; a "man-child," that is, a synonym for a "boy," and a "magic negro." Yet he is going to talk about someone being racist. However, based on these tactics I believe the GOP are opening themselves up to a potential landmine.
Think about it....Are Rush and the Republicans playing the Reverse Race Card? Do they want to open up the Racial debate with some of the Racially-and Sexism-charged excrement that Rush's mouth that the GOP fails to denounce?
Like I said Silence is Acceptance.
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